


165 responses »

    • I love that song, problem with people these days is nobody appreciates good music anymore. It’s all about loud banging music now with lyrics that don’t make any sense, glad someone shares my choice of music. Thank you for visiting my blog! 🙂

    • Hi! i can listen to 80’s music all day long lol! at least back then, there was real talent and not some mixer synthesized voices coming out of the speakers 🙂 thank you for dropping by 🙂

  1. I am a huge fan of 80s music too – maybe I should add an 80s tab to my blog too! My favourite bands included Japan, Spandau Ballet, David Bowie, Simple Minds, Talk Talk, Tears for Fears… the list goes on!

  2. I dig what you have going on here. A nice variety. Also, a a nice change from the “norm” for me. i read lot’s of self help and spiritually based blogs and articles. it’s always such a blessing to come across a breath of fresh air. Very nice, i love the music only page.

    I was thinking about a way to make the videos and music, or for that matter music videos, haha available easily without having to scroll and scroll through my blog. Not that scrolling through and reading is un-wanted but you know, some people like videos better then blog posts. Thanks for the idea! and for checking out my own blog!


    • Hey Andrew! thanks for dropping by, yeah my blog is pretty much all over the place lol! I am just that random of a guy 🙂

      You’re very welcome for the idea my friend, I’m glad to see others try the music only page. This way, everyone can sit back and make a play list right? 😀

  3. I LOVED THIS POST!!! I don’t know why I didn’t notice your ’80s music’ page before. LOVED the Billy Idol & Alice Cooper. I was so, so intrigued by Alice Cooper, as a teen – loved his music.I remember one where he was calling out “Stephen….. Steeeephen….” I loved it.

  4. Greetings from Europe,
    loved to drive in my car in the 80s listening to American Top 40 … deeply moved by the song of Corey Heart – never surrender!
    Best wishes

    • There’s just no comparison to driving and listening to that show on the radio, at times I actually wished the drives were longer so I could enjoy more of it lol!

      I’ll be updating the page frequently to add more videos and songs, thank you so much for visiting 🙂

  5. Not that I’m a music guru or anything, but wasn’t this Meatloaf video from the 90’s or 2000’s? I HATE 80’s music! Unless it was Meatloaf of course. But I suppose I was in my twenties then, and had it banging in my ear 24/7, and the videos remind me of the grotesque fashions and make-up we used to wear! Hey Andy! What kind of cyber friend puts up a page like this!! Enjoy!

    • Yeah, I guess there’s not a whole lot to like a bout the clothing especially the bland colors and pull up bottoms, but hey! indeed 80’s was the age of good music 😀

    • Same here 🙂 lol! back in Chile, Iquique in the early 80’s they played Abba and Julio Iglesias, when I came here I heard all these songs and absolutely fell in love 😀

      • Yeah, Fernando was the song ABBA played CONSTANTLY on the radio. It was a radio sensation, It wasn’t long before more of the western culture started coming into the city 🙂 good times!

  6. I was SO in the mood for this tonight, Andy. Thanks for having it all there for me! 🙂

    I used to have big hair like that, oh I did!!

    That Billy Idol, sigh… mmmm….

  7. Oh my gosh. 80s music is my music! Love all of these. Listened to some 80s music just today and took pictures of my radio display with the titles so I could write about some of the songs! Jammed a bit to Yaz today.

  8. Yes, Yes and YES! I miss the 80’s. I left my mom a vmail the other weekend when I heard “Morning Train (9 to 5) by Sheena Easton on our local music video station (yes, I was watching music videos while cooking lol). My mom used to dance around the kitchen and sing it to me. What memories…

  9. I revisited this page of yours today, Andy. Love this page. I was totally in the mood for this music. Oh sigh, I so remember those days, so remember…

  10. “Never Surrender” is one of my favorite songs ever. I love that you have a section of your page devoted to ’80s music. Music has really gone down hill since then. I’m more of a fan of the hair metal of the ’80s, though.

  11. I wish I knew how good the 80’s were when I was in them! So much fun, now seeing some of the bands that have either regrouped or are still going. I am off to see Hunters and Collectors in April in Sydney.

  12. I have a song request… its a late 80’s song… Heartbreak by Sweet Sensation from the album “Take it while it’s hot”! Do you have an audio version of the file? It’s just too related to my childhood and I can’t find it on the internet!

  13. Wow, 70s-80s rock is really awesome. 🙂 I was actually thinking of making a post on 80s music but you seem to have beat me to it! 😉 Makes me like your blog even more though.

  14. wellt hanks for the memory lane experience. The expose song was one of my favs – and I remember shopping for prom stuff while it was playing!!! 🙂

    also, some of these songs were not necessarily stuff I would listen to on my tape deck (lol) but many of them were playing all the time – and so they becomes a piece of my history and remind me of friends. Like Nightshift was always playing. and a few guy friends LOVED Broken Wings and I can still see them singing parts of it.

    enjoyed this very much. 🙂
    take care.

  15. I love 80s music. I wish I could still get away with my monstrous hair again. I loved big hair. I think I personally am responsible for at least part of our ozone layer problem.

    Oh, and spandex with leg warmers.

    Ok, I will stop now. I am sure I am scaring some.

      • Playing that mid 80’s song ‘She’s a maniac maaaaaaniac’ song with the leg warmers and rainbow headband? 😉

      • Oh and the weird oil like filled stickers that changed colors as you pressed them. I have no idea what was in those – probably some toxic substance that has since been banned. LOL. Oh and the fruit smelling markers. The 1st graders these days have no idea what it’s like to get high in Art Class anymore. Tragic, really.

      • LOL yeah whatever happened to those markers huh? I remember those color changing stickers too! wow amazing how stickers were the fun thing to have eh lol

      • You know, seriously, many children these days will never get the opportunity to love, learn and enjoy some of the simplistic pleasures that many of us had in our childhoods.

      • Yeah, It’s all iPod…iPhone..Twitter..Facebook (The bane of all parent’s existence watching their kids waste their lives on it) gah!

      • well I just realized that I am on the feed for the comments that come in for this post still = and oh my goodness – was laughing so hard with this “personally am responsible for at least part of our ozone layer problem…” bahahahha – and well many of us added to it too – ha! how fun O_o 😉

  16. okay wandering poet – last comment and then my summer hiatus kicks in – but I had to drop by because this song came my way today … and thought of your 80’s page sharing….
    have a good month of July!

      • You’re welcome!.I saw your blog and it was lovely.. I liked it, and i followed it.
        i started my blog yesterday but all the blogs were in english and i’m spanish!! my english isn’t very good but i will try 😀

  17. They just don’t make music like they used to, do they? Rod Stewart and Bon Jovi are definitely in my top 5 list when it comes to music. Sometimes I wish I had lived through the ’80s instead of being born in them!

  18. Pingback: Friday’s New Friends #2 | the grizzle grist mill

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