Tag Archives: graceful

Wordless Wednesday ~ Peaceful 


I could ..



I could have continued the same path I always had..Without ever a thought in my heart..Leaving all behind..Until I heard your voice calling from the distance..Telling me how my story had only just begun..Showing me..How to see this world..In whole new light..With your hands ever in mine..

Another spur of the moment thought..


The morning sun..Has yet to come as I sit here deep in the dark..Yet..All I hear is her voice..The one who has spoken into my heart..Who’s words..Are etched in the depths of my soul..For eternity beyond all the lifetimes yet to come.. 

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For you..



I will walk in the shade on a cold winter day..So you may feel the sun’s embrace..Shield you from the rain..So you may hear the sounds of water drops..Without a drop touching your face..Carry you in my arms if the destination..Is ever too far..For you I will..Beyond the end of days..


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