Monthly Archives: June 2015

Wordless Wednesday ~ Torrents


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Nostalgic randomness


Ed Sheeran is an amazing singer and his lyrics really speak to the fans listening, In this song? He really reconnected me to the simplest thing that I truly miss, That we can’t get with our cell phones anymore. The true connection of holding on to an actual physical photograph connecting us to the memory, Or the one we truly love right from the hand to the heart. I miss that feel in Those moments when I would sit on the hood of my car at a park overlooking the city. Something so simple yet, Brings a true feeling of peace šŸ™‚

DP Prompt ~ Summer


Let’s see, Where would I be if it was next summer? Why, In a tropical island of course.

I’ll be like the minions enjoying the beach at Tagatay or Palawan with all the pina coladas I could drink, endless horizons and the best part? No cell phone reception or WiFi of any sort. Just pure paradise and crystal blue waters, now THAT is how one enjoys it all! How about you? šŸ˜‰



With every ripple..

A river of Memories..

Pass me by..

If I could hold them..

In my hands..

Would you grant me..

My wish..

One lastĀ time…?

-Andy1076 Registered & Protected  5OFJ-Y5TE-S392-QYJC