Tag Archives: strings




Sleep..Under the angel’s weep..Dream..Of rebirth once the world becomes again green..Where blue skies will once again be seen..

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DP Prompt ~ Seat Guru (Again)


I could write another repeat prompt about who I would like to meet, Again. But, instead I decided to give you all a little chuckle instead, Credits go to my friend Shira who initially shared it with me on Facebook šŸ˜„

There is..



There is a silence..After every sigh..A word..After every thought..A moment..After every touch..Life is in itself already defined..Yet the love we have..Is beyond anything..I could ever feel..More in love..Than IĀ have ever been..

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DP Prompt ~ Literate for a day



What if something could speak, That initially didn’t. What would it tell me you ask?

I wonder that always, whenever I see the flowers in the garden, what does a flower see when they all look at the sky so far from their reach? Do they dream? do they feel? I ask, because this beautiful rose? Is here well past it’s time, It’s still standing strong despite how it is now the end of November. What is it waiting for and what keeps it so strong?

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